Hello! Welcome to my website
My name is Daniel Castillo Bendeck, and I am a certified health coach. I want to help you reclaim your birthright to a radiant and healthy life. I firmly believe that all humans have the potential to feel full of energy and the key lies in looking to the past and remembering how our ancestors lived. By aligning our habits with our DNA, we can unlock the life we yearn for.
If you're feeling unmotivated, low on energy, unbalanced, and overwhelmed by daily commitments, you are in the right place. I, too, at some point, felt like everything around me was falling apart. Work-related stress and a poor vegetarian diet led me to a very delicate state of health, which forced me to step back and question my beliefs and paradigms about life. Let me tell you my story.
My name is Daniel Castillo Bendeck, and I was born and live in Bogota, Colombia. I am 30 years old and hold a bachelor’s degree in physics and a master’s degree in chemical engineering from the Universidad de los Andes. I graduated with the highest honors in both fields and was on track to have a stellar academic career. My goal was to become a successful academic, no matter the cost. In 2019 my master’s thesis was awarded the best Colombian postgraduate thesis in this discipline. Subsequently, the same university offered me a position as a lecturer in the same department. At the same time, for three years, I decided to adopt a vegetarian diet, convinced that it was the most "compassionate and healthy" choice. Additionally, I led a rather rigid life, strictly following the precepts of the Catholic religion.
I don't share all this to boast. In fact, quite the opposite. Despite projecting an image of a successful and happy young person, I was internally shattered. The long nights of sleepless study, the stress of meeting deadlines, my poor nutrient-deficient diet, the suffocation of conventional religious rules, and the projection of a predictable and boring life were drowning me in anxiety and depression. During the final months of my master’s studies, while on an internship in Germany, I experienced true depression for the first time in my life. My body was simply rebelling against the abuse and neglect I subjected it to. The exhaustion took its toll. When I returned from Germany and took up my position as a lecturer, my body reached its worst state. I began experiencing numbness in my limbs, hair loss, and, worst of all, my digestive system gave up and stopped processing the food I was giving it. Everything caused inflammation and diarrhea, and I started losing muscle mass day by day. Prior to this, my weight was around 64 kg, but due to this condition, I reached a lowest point of 57 kg.
And then, COVID happened. While it was a tragedy for many, in my case it was the greatest blessing as it forced me to retreat and take care of myself without any other social or work-related commitments. I left academia and embarked on a personal journey that has made me grow more than ever before, and if I had to do it all over again, I would. I began by questioning my diet and, through reading and experimentation, I realized that my vegetarian diet was killing me (literally). I learned about the ancestral lifestyle and how our bodies evolved for an environment vastly different from what modern life proposes. I returned to eating meat, and naturally, I distanced myself from vegetables as I noticed that every time I included them, my symptoms worsened. I tried elimination diets, paleolithic diets, ketogenic diets, and finally, the only thing that healed me was the strict carnivore diet, which I followed for over a year. Through this, I understood the value of animal fats and realized that a good piece of meat or organ meats like liver are the true superfoods. Later, I expanded my diet to include animal products along with some fruits, honey, and healthy carbohydrates. This transformation also involved reconnecting with nature, enjoying the sun on my body, walking barefoot, giving up the use of chemical products, and being very conscious of exercise and meditation. This strategy helped me regain my vitality, and nowadays, I weigh 72 kg, a 15 kg increase in muscle mass from my lowest point.
Next, I questioned my career choice, realizing that I had cornered myself and never considered a different life with greater peace and fulfillment. To be honest, there were many aspects of academia that I didn't like and that didn't make me happy. So, I decided to indefinitely postpone my desire to pursue a Ph.D. and opened myself up to finding inspiration for my true passion. Naturally, many people noticed my transformation and started asking for advice and guidance. I realized I had a calling for coaching and began a one-year course to become a certified Health Coach by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) in New York. I graduated in October 2022 and have already completed over 15 programs with clients whom I've helped transform their lives for the better.
I also questioned my spiritual beliefs and embarked on a personal exploration journey where I understood that humans are fundamentally good and come to have an experience of love and growth in this life. Nowadays, meditation and personal growth are an essential part of my daily life, and I have a deep spirituality far removed from traditional religious canons. I love learning every day, engaging in constructive discussions, and dreaming of creating a better world. One of my greatest sources of inspiration and growth is my clients, who help me see in them that which I must cultivate and improve within myself. I believe that in this profession, I found something that truly fulfills me, and I want to share it with the rest of the world.
I am passionate about sailing, surfing, calisthenics, reading, studying mathematics and physics, playing the guitar, and having deep conversations. I am a dog and nature lover. I enjoy traveling and experiencing new cultures.
If you want to embark on your own adventure and take your health to another level, I invite you to schedule a free trial session. I'll be waiting for you!

My transformation

1. Everyone has the potential to live an extraordinary life, full of happiness, beauty, and unforgettable experiences. The foundation of an extraordinary life is a healthy body and a strong, balanced connection between the body, mind, and spirit. It is a fundamental right of every human being to reach this state.
2. Human beings are fundamentally good and perfectly imperfect. The human body is a marvel of nature and is capable of far more than we believe if we provide it with the necessary resources and allow ourselves to believe in its capabilities.
3. Our human experience is deeply influenced by the beliefs and cultural paradigms we acquire throughout our lives. Suffering does not arise from life events themselves, but from how we process and react to them.
4. True fulfillment comes from being happy in our present moment and having a clear vision for the future. The most important thing a human being can do is to work every day to grow a little more and passionately pursue their purpose.
5. The root of all modern diseases and ailments is the radical departure from our ancestral ways of life, for which our genes evolved and are still programmed.
6. The way to regain health is to align our daily actions with our biology and connect with our bodies to listen to what they need. To do this, we must look to the past and understand how our ancestors lived. This allows us to make new decisions and reshape our environment to enjoy the comforts of modern life without letting it negatively affect us.
7. Health is a multidimensional concept that requires working on various areas of life to maintain balance and achieve fulfillment. These areas include nutrition, movement, rest, environment, personal relationships, contribution, finances, and spirituality.
8. The path to health and personal fulfillment is unique for each person. Bio-individuality must be considered when embarking on a health journey, and the client is free to choose the path they wish to pursue. The role of the coach is to accompany and provide a safe space for reflection and self-responsibility.